knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

The first step to make accurate crash prediction is obstaining high quality data. This vignette is a reproducible demonstration on extracting online transportation safety data.

Weather data

In this part, we show how to get both historical and real-time weather data using DarkSky API. It can be used in both Python and R. Before using the DarkSky API to get weather data, you need to register for a API key on its official website. The first 1000 API requests you make each day are free, but each API request over the 1000 daily limit will cost you $0.0001, which means a million extra API requests will cost you 100 USD.

The DarkSky API provides the following meteoreological variables:

The data provided by darksky API includes 3 parts:

In this part of the vignette, we will show the readers how to get historical and real-time weather data for a sample of 20 observations. The orginal data include only three variables: longitude, latitude, and the local time, which are the required variables to obtain weather data from DarkSky API. Below is how the orginal data look like:

gps_sample = 
    from_lat = c(41.3473127, 41.8189037, 32.8258477, 
40.6776808, 40.2366043, 41.3945561, 32.6320605, 40.5413856, 33.6287422, 
40.0692742, 41.347986, 37.7781459, 43.0843081, 41.48026, 43.495149, 
41.5228684, 41.5763081, 47.6728665, 41.0918361, 41.1537819),
    from_lon = c(-74.2850908, -73.0835104, -97.0306677, -75.1450753, 
    -76.9367494, -72.8589916, -96.8538145, -74.8547061, -113.7671634, 
    -76.762612, -74.284785, -77.4615586, -76.0977384, -73.2107541, 
    -73.7727896, -74.0739204, -88.1529175, -117.3224667, -74.1554972, 
  beg_time = structure(c(1453101738, 1437508088, 
    1436195038, 1435243088, 1454270680, 1432210106, 1438937772, 
    1446486480, 1450191622, 1449848630, 1457597084, 1432870446, 
    1457968284, 1451298724, 1431503502, 1443416864, 1438306368, 
    1445540454, 1452619392, 1436091072), class = c("POSIXct", 
    "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC")), .Names = c("from_lat", "from_lon", 
"beg_time"), row.names = c(NA, 20L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", 


Sys.setenv(DARKSKY_API_KEY = "9f219edf4689a0f26a83aa4d9a46f25a")

t = get_forecast_for(38.642105, -90.244440, Sys.time())

Historical data (daily)

Historical daily data

The following 39 meteoreological variables can be obtained from DarkSky API.

A example of these daily variables for the observation t is shown as below:[[2]])

Historical hourly data

The following 18 meteoreological variables can be obtained from DarkSky API. For each variabele, there are 24 observations for them, which represents the hourly weather data in that day.

The hourly historical weather data for the observation t is shown below:


Real-time data (<= 1 hour)

The sample real-time data for the observation t is shown below:[[3]])

We can also customize our data by pooled the daily, hourly and real-time weather variables together in one table using loops. One example has been shown as below:

add_var = function(dat){
  dat[,c("time", 'summary', 'icon', 'precipIntensity', 'precipProbability', 'temperature', 'apparentTemperature', 'dewPoint', 'humidity', 'pressure', 'windSpeed', 'windGust', 'windBearing', 'cloudCover', 'visibility')] = NA

gps_sample = add_var(gps_sample)

for(i in 1:nrow(gps_sample)){
  t = get_forecast_for(gps_sample$from_lat[i], gps_sample$from_lon[i], gps_sample$beg_time[i])
  #gps_sample$time[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$time), NA, t[[3]]$time)
  gps_sample$summary[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$summary), NA, t[[3]]$summary)
  gps_sample$icon[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$icon), NA, t[[3]]$icon)
  gps_sample$precipIntensity[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$precipIntensity), NA, t[[3]]$precipIntensity)
  gps_sample$precipProbability[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$precipProbability), NA, t[[3]]$precipProbability)
  gps_sample$temperature[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$temperature), NA, t[[3]]$temperature)
  gps_sample$apparentTemperature[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$apparentTemperature), NA, t[[3]]$apparentTemperature)
  gps_sample$dewPoint[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$dewPoint), NA, t[[3]]$dewPoint)
  gps_sample$humidity[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$humidity), NA, t[[3]]$humidity)
  gps_sample$pressure[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$pressure), NA, t[[3]]$pressure)
  gps_sample$windSpeed[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$windSpeed), NA, t[[3]]$windSpeed)
  gps_sample$windGust[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$windGust), NA, t[[3]]$windGust)
  gps_sample$windBearing[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$windBearing), NA, t[[3]]$windBearing)
  gps_sample$cloudCover[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$cloudCover), NA, t[[3]]$cloudCover)
  gps_sample$visibility[i] = ifelse(is.null(t[[3]]$visibility), NA, t[[3]]$visibility)


Road descriptors

Contents are to be filled here in future...

caimiao0714/MiaoTruck documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:14 p.m.